Bambini Montessori

Primary School
Montessori Children’s Courses

MontessoriThe Italian Language Centre is now running Friday afternoon and Saturday morning classes for primary school children. The program is based on the Montessori method of second language learning which was developed by Lingua PiùCentro Linguistico Montessori in Città di Castello, Umbria and is delivered by a qualified teacher trained in the methodology. All sessions will be conducted in Italian and students will be assisted by a language assistant.

The course is based on a thematic/conversational approach such as expressing dislikes and likes, presenting oneself, expressing emotions as well as activities centered around Easter, Carnevale the family etc. Language input activities are designed in an ordered and systematic way so as to “activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” 
Maria Montessori 

Montessori Children’s Classes
Location: Italian Language Centre
Address: 6 Railway Walk North, Hampton.

Contact 885 600 058 231